sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Your very Personal and Intense Disney Ask:

By Samii Keller♥ a las... 10:51 p. m.

 •Aurora: Story of your first kiss
Well, My first kiss was so fast! It was just a "kiko" a little kiss :3
This happened in 28th May 2010, at the end of a date with my first boyfriend: Hugo. That day we saw a movie in Plaza Cumbres with Mauricio (His ex-bestfriend) and after watch the movie, Hugo asked me to be his girlfriend, it was so unromantic XD Well.. I kiss him when I had to go! at the end of the date. It was cute... I think.

 •Rapunzel: 5 things from your bucket list
  • Go to Europa.
  • Have a children named William :3
  • End my studies. 
  • Make a book.
  • Learn English XD
•Dory: Something someone has told you that you can't forget (two good things and one bad)
I cant forget when I heard Fabio saying "Te amo♥"
When someone said "I'm proud of you".
Well.. I really don't know, I don't have a good memory XD

•Pocahontas: Something new you taught someone.
I really don't know, maybe Tumblr, write stories, something like that :3
•Mulan: Do you trust your gut feeling? What happened
Well... Maybe that now I have a beatiful Boyfriend♥

•Jasmine: The story of when you had to really trust someone. Was it easy?
Well I always trust in people :3. In some case its complicated, for example when it is a teamwork or something like that.

•Belle: Is there someone you are close to who no one else likes? What's the story?
In this moment: Fabio Ferrario
He is my boyfriend, I can tell him everything, and he is always for me :3

I met him in Plaza Cumbres, and well... happened a lot of things, a now he is my most loved person in the whole world

•Ariel: Where do you think you belong, and why?
I belong to neverland :'D Naaah, Just kidding.
I think that I'm ok where I'm now :d
I Feel Happy.

 •Flounder: Something that surprised you and frightened you.
 Nothing :D Well Maybe when my Father was so bad about his heart, but thanks good he had now a  pace maker. Now he is so much better!

•Eric: Have you ever helped a stranger? What happened.
I feel soooooo good :3 I helped a little boy, picked up a tazo and gave it to him :3

•Aladdin: A sacrifice you made for someone.
Well,  a lot of times for my brother. I had decline a lot of dates with friends and Fabio just for be a babysit for Zaid ._.

•Tiana: A time you tried the hardest for something.
 Well, I think always when I'm studying for a exam.

•Boo: A childhood hero.
Maybe my father, Zac Efron or Batman. I'm not really sure.

•Cruella: Something you really want but you aren't allowed to have.
Oh, good question e.e  Well I really don't know, maybe... Can I have world peace?

•Seven Dwarfs: 7 things you like in the people around you.
  1. They can smile with every single thing.
  2. They understand me.
  3. They like the same things :3
  4. They are always for me.
  5. They are very cute and hugging.
  6. They dont use drogs and dance reggeaton.

•Kronk: What you are best at in the kitchen?
Maybe cereal is my specialty.

•Simba: Something a parent has taught you.
How to use a bicycle, cooking and stuff.

•Cinderella: "A dream is a wish your heart makes" What's that for you?
A dream? It is another world!! Something magical! Another space, dimension. It is other life, one whole of adventures, wishes and magic :3

•Nemo: Your bravest moment.
I just can remember when my brother broke my "Elder wand" flgjsdkfgjklfjg Grr I was so angry!

•Terk: Are you a big brother/sister figure to anyone?
For my little Brother :'3

•Buzz: Your favourite fantasy world (aka Harry Potter, Star Wars), if any.
Wow, this is a very difficult question!
Maybe Harry Potter, Neverland or Wonderland♥

•Alice: Done drugs?
NEVAH! That is for stupid people :3

(I could not resis to put him in human version *O*)
•Peter Pan: Something from your childhood that you still love.
Maybe some stuffed toy. I'm no really sure :3

•Merida: What are you most passionate about?

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